Real-time and historical methane CH4 levels

Atmospheric CH4 Levels Graph

This graph features atmospheric temperature and methane levels, a powerful greehouse gas, that combine measurements from Antarctica ice core data as far back as 800,000 years up to the most recent measurements averaged from a global network of air sampling sites. We encourage you to embed this graph directly into your website. The graph is fully customizable to fit your websites' look and feel. This is a free service, but we do ask for a donation if you find this useful. This is a project of the 2 Degrees Institute, a non-profit organization.

A climate change tool for methane

Key features

Recent and Historical data

Since 1983, globally-averaged CH4 levels have been collected and updated monthly as new samples are added to the analysis. A 3 month lag is required to ensure the data has been properly vetted for possible contamination. Prior to 1983, methane levels have been extracted from ice core data from Antarctica. Compare levels with historical atmospheric temperature levels by clicking the temperature icon. Learn more about the data sources.

Free methane Levels Graph

This interactive graph is free to use on your website. Simply choose your color theme and then copy and paste 2 lines of code. Data and source code is hosted on our servers so you do not have to worry about using up your server's bandwidth. New Methane and temperature data is updated automatically on a monthly basis.

Zoomable and Printable

View atmospheric CH4 levels over a span of thousands of years or zoom-in to view specific time periods. Use your fingers to pinch and zoom on a handheld device or use a mouse with a computer. Export the chart to PNG, JPG, PDF or SVG format with the click of a button or print the chart directly from the web page.

Customizable and Responsive

Choose from 4 color themes to match your website's look and feel. Customize the width and height of your graph or have it fill your entire screen. This methane graph is fully responsive and can automatically resize to fit whatever device or screen size it is being viewed on.

You may enjoy this software for free under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial licence.
Recent and historical methane data combined.

Data Sources

You may enjoy this software for free under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial licence.
Getting the Data Right.

Our Team of Scientific Advisors

Dr. Pieter Tans
NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory

Dr. Jeremy Shakun
Boston College

Dr. Geoff Dutton
NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory

Dr. Ed Dlugokencky
NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory

Watch this educational video.

Climate data in the ice core record

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